Job Posting: Performance Studies Faculty with Interest in Critical Theory and Gender Studies

macalester college

Macalester College, located in Minnesota, is seeking a tenure-track faculty member in theatre/performance studies. Scholars interested in critical theory are “welcomed” to teach inter-disciplinary topics concerning the school’s “Critical Theory Concentration, Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies and International Studies Departments.”

From Inside Higher Ed:

Macalester College seeks a tenure-track faculty member for its Theatre & Dance Department, in the areas of theatre/performance studies and production praxis. The Search Committee is keenly interested in scholars with established publication records whose work has developed alongside or through directing, choreography, dramaturgy or other praxis areas, enabling the new faculty to anchor courses in performance/theatre studies while contributing to the mainstage and student production seasons. A capacity for inter-disciplinary teaching will be welcomed, with the college’s Critical Theory Concentration, Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies and International Studies Departments particularly in mind. The successful candidate will collaborate with current faculty and students in curriculum refinement, enacting deeper collaborations between theatre and dance, and articulating a long-term vision for THDA and the Fine Arts at the college. Administrative experience is desired.

QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D in Theatre History or Performance Studies; additional M.F.A. in Directing, Dramaturgy or other areas welcome. Publication record in peer-reviewed journals, with equivalent professional profile in production as appropriate. Teaching evaluations citing excellence and innovation in teaching at the undergraduate level. Experience in professional and/or academic leadership.

For more info, including application instructions, visit the posting Inside Higher Ed.

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