The International of Zizek Studies, an open-access journal dedicated to the thought of Slavoj Zizek, has released it’s latest issue. This issue tackles Argo, Batman, Django Unchained and more.
We’ve reproduced the table of contents below.
The Bomb in (and the Right to) the City: Batman, Argo, and Hollywood’s Revolutionary Crowds |
Abstract English |
Robert St.Clair |
“When the Trickster Meets ‘the big Other’ Coyote Goes Cosmic” |
Abstract English |
Linda L. Revie |
The Night in which all Dinosaurs wear Nightcaps: a supplement to Zizek’s critique of Meillassoux |
Abstract English |
Josef Moshe |
Student Contributions
“Ma fu l’inganno disinganno”: The Basso Buffo as Philosopher |
Abstract English |
Eugene Allen Clayton Jr |
Interpellating Django: The Functions of the Gaze in Tarantino’s Django Unchained |
Abstract English |
Abigail Fagan |
La importancia del concepto de fantasía en el pensamiento de Slavoj Žižek |
Abstract Español |
Martín Josías Becerra Sánchez |
Reviews and Debates
The traumatic limit to realizing Nature |
English |
Greg Dash |
A Farsi translation of Žižek’s “The Thing from Inner Space” |
Farsi |
Farhad Alavi |