Christmas cards for nihilists.
Category Archives: Humor
Blog of the Day: Check Out Foucault’s Celebrity Doppelganger
Foodie intellectual or French poststructuralist?
Image: Heidegger and the Poshmodern
Welcome to the poshmodern.
Twitter Re-Imagines Dostoyevsky’s ‘Underground Man’ in 140 Characters
Tweets from the underground.
Image: Zeno as an Attorney
Zeno imagined as an attorney, from xkcd.
Hey, Michel Foucault is This Week’s Greatest Tumblr
Tumblr tumblr tumblr.
This Heidegger T-Shirt Rules
Being and fashion.
The Onion Invokes Nietzsche, Hilarity Ensues
Kidnapped Teen Freed, Though Freedom Is Its Own Kind Of Prison, Is It Not?
Foucault is Watching You Poop, 10 More Critical Theorists According to Google
Google auto-complete can keep you entertained for hours.
The Greatest Philosopher of Them All, According to Google
One philosopher has escaped the wrath of Google.