Slavoj Zizek critically analyzes offensive humor, but mostly just tells fucked up jokes.
Category Archives: Humor
LolMyThesis is the Greatest and Saddest Thing Ever
Using the word “discourse” makes you sound really sophisticated.
[Comic] Peter Singer Investigates a Basement Flood
From the geniuses at Existential Comics.
Someone Vomited Badiou Quotes onto Beyonce GIFs and it Rules
To the left, to the left.
Darth Sartre: Star Wars’ Existential Mashup
Nothingness, I embrace you!
I Made You All a Christmas Card
A special holiday message.
[Comic] Itsy Bitsy Spider, a Marxist Analysis
The spider symbolizes the proletariat, and his ongoing struggle against the bourgeoisie.
10 Awful Philosophy Puns to Waste Your Day
Not sure if awesome, or cringe-worthy.
Philosophy Bingo – The Latest Innovation in Classroom Slacking
It’ll get you kicked out of class and will be worth every second.
That Time Foucault Got Paid in Hash to Debate Noam Chomsky
And refused to wear a red wig at the behest of the moderator.