The Ultimate Critical Theory Gift Guide


Hannah Arendt

hannah arendt film

This biopic is focuses on Arendt’s coverage of the Adolf Eichmann trials  and her ensuing “Eichmann in Jerusalem.”

Via Amazon.

The Examined Life

examined lifeThis documentary features a diverse array of philosophers including Michael Hardt, Judith Butler, Cornel West and Avital Ronell. The documentary is the work of Astra Taylor, who also created “Zizek!”

Via Amazon.

Is The Man Who is Tall Happy?

the man who is tall happy chomskyThe director of “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Minds” interviews, and animates, a series of interview with Noam Chomsky.

Via Amazon.

Pervert’s Guide to Ideology

perverts guide to ideologyThe Slovenian theorist analyzes his favorite films in this follow-up to “The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema.”

Via Amazon.

The Ister

the ister

“The film The Ister travels upstream along the Danube toward its source, as several interviewees discuss Heidegger, Hölderlin, and philosophy. The film is also concerned with a number of other themes, including: time, poetry, technology, home, war, politics, myth, National Socialism, the Holocaust, the ancient Greek polis, Sophocles, Antigone, Agnes Bernauer, Edmund Husserl, the 1991 battle of Vukovar, and the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.”

Via Amazon.

Gilles Deleuze from A to Z

gilles deleuze from a to z
“Although Gilles Deleuze never wanted a film to be made about him, he agreed to Claire Parnet’s proposal to film a series of conversations in which each letter of the alphabet would evoke a word: From A (as in Animal) to Z (as in Zigzag). ”

Via Amazon.

Free Angela and All Political Prisoners

free angela

Via Amazon.


Zizek documentary

The Astra Taylor documentary explores the life and hilarious idiosyncrasies of Slavoj Zizek.

Via Amazon.


derrida filmVia Amazon.