In the finals of the overrated philosophers bracket, Noam Chomsky beat out Adam Smith for the title of most overrated philosopher by 112 votes. Over 100,000 votes were cast in total during the course of the entire bracket. Noam Chomsky, through all of his match-ups, garnered 7,433 votes.
Chomsky defeated Jurgen Habermas, Terry Eagleton, Carl Schmitt, Jean-Paul Sartre and Peter Kropotkin before advancing to the finals.
In the finals, Noam Chomsky battled it out with Adam Smith to win the title of most overrated philosopher. While Smith is mostly known for his economic work, he is also widely read for his moral philosophy.
And while Noam Chomsky is predominantly a political commentaror and linguist, Chomsky’s contributions to philosophy are notable. Besides his debate with Michel Foucault on human nature, and his criticism of positivism in philosophy. He has also been a fierce critic of continental philosophy and psychoanalysts like Jacques Lacan and Slavoj Zizek.