It’s not even a high holiday.
That Time Noam Chomsky Was Almost on Saturday Night Live
We are just two wild and crazy linguists.
Frantz Fanon Argues No “Being Through Others” for People of Color in 1952
“Sealed into that crushing objecthood, I turned beseechingly to others. Their attention was a liberation, running over my body suddenly abraded into nonbeing, endowing me once more with an agility that I had thought lost, and by taking me out of the world, restoring me to it.”
Camus Explained Perfectly with Candy Land [Comic]
Or, why Candy Land is the worst game ever.
Watch Socrates Explained with Video Games
In this week’s 8-Bit Philosophy, the life and shenanigans of Greek philosopher Socrates are explained.
Captain Metaphysics and the Mereological Monster [Comic]
In this week’s Existential Comics, Kant, Liebniz and Plato combine powers.
Watch Slavoj Zizek Explain an Event with Kafka and Love
In this latest video from Big Think (released Sunday), somebody got Slavoj Zizek out of a crusty t-shirt and into a clean polo.
11 Critical Theory Books That Came Out in November
Badiou, Nietzsche, Benjamin, Schmitt and more.
The Sublime Object of Dress-Up Time
A video game featuring Slavoj Zizek because, why not?
Machiavelli Explained with Video Games
What’s love god to do with it?