Existential Comics is a philosophy comic about, well, mostly Existentialism. Founded in December of 2013, it has since become a traffic behemoth drawing in over a million readers.
In Which Marx, Hobbes and Rawls Go Treasure Hunting [Comic]
The latest from Existential Comics.
Submit Your Papers! Contamination from Below
You’ve got until February.
“I Nonetheless Deeply Regret The Incident,” Zizek Responds to Plagiarism Allegations
Slavoj Zizek has been in the spotlight recently after a 2006 article he authored was outed as a near-copy of a 1999 book review in a white supremacist publication. Now, he responds to the allegations.
Slavoj Zizek Accused of Plagiarizing White Supremacist Magazine
Slavoj Zizek, Slovenian critical theorists extraordinaire, has drawn the ire of academics after a blogger alleged that he had plagiarized from a white supremacist magazine.
Watch: Does Rationality Give Life Meaning?
The latest from 8-Bit Philosophy on the work of Soren Kierkegaard.
I Took a Clickhole Quiz and All I Got Was This Lousy Hegel Lecture
“You’re about to get your 8-year-old daughter the toy chemistry set she’s wanted for weeks, but at the store, she suddenly decides she wants a big stuffed bear instead. What do you get her?”
New Issue of Zizek Studies, Out Now!
The open-access journal “The International Journal of Zizek Studies,” has just released their latest issue, a special issue on “Less Than Nothing.”
Free Read: The Neoliberal Neurosis
An excerpt from “Jeffrey Sachs: The Strange Case of Dr. Shock and Mr. Aid,” by Japhy Wilson.
Watch Badiou Act in his Own Play: Ahmed the Philosopher
Alain Badiou and Joe Litvak perform a scene from “Ahmed the Philosopher” about a curmudgeonly French demon who takes joy in informing for the police.