“A Love of UIQ,” is the story of humanity’s first contact with an entity known as the “Infra-Quark Universe,” UIQ for short, a being that relays communications via the chloroplasts of tiny phytoplankton.
Hegel and Nyan Cat
Finally, a Hegelian reading of the bizarre phenomenon of Nyan Cat and the even stranger existence of ‘Nyan Cat for 10 Hours,’ an anti-capitalist sensation with over 47 million YouTube views.
Everyday Analysis Joins Critical-Theory
We’re excited to announce that Everyday Analysis, a collective blog (and maker of an excellent series of books with Zero Books) will now be publishing their best content on Critical-Theory .
10 Critical Theory Books That Came Out in January, 2016
New releases from University of Minnesota Press, Verso Books, Stanford University Press and more.
10 Critical Theory Books That Came Out in December, 2015
Foucault, Bataille, Chomsky and more.
Slavoj Zizek Explains Santa Claus
In this video, Slavoj Zizek explains how ideology operates through a system of “belief through others.” In the context of Santa Claus, Zizek explains, parents pretend to believe in Santa on behalf of their children, who pretend to believe in Santa on behalf of the parents.
Candy Crush and Capitalism, a Review
Is distraction vital to capitalism?
The Ultimate Critical Theory Gift Guide
Unfortunately, a well-reasoned critique of consumer capitalism isn’t enough to stop the tears of your betrayed loved ones when you have rightfully boycotted “The Holidays.” And while “planting a tree in your name” seems to be entirely socially acceptable, “I wrote your name on a rock and threw it at a cop” seems not to be.
The Figure of the Migrant, an Interview with Thomas Nail
11 Critical Theory Books That Came Out in November
Butler, Negri and more!