Cosmarxpolitan gets raunchy with critical theory.
The Best May Day Poster Ever
Cat meme can haz resistance!
Read Me: Fifty Shades of Late Capitalism
Spoiler alert: Fifty Shades of Grey is a shitty book.
Todd May on Nonviolence
Rancieran/Deleuzian/Post-structural anarchist Todd May drops some knowledge.
Stream The First Annual Eco-Ability Conference For Free
Binghamton University hosts its first annual conference on the intersections of animal rights and disability studies.
Derrida’s ‘Specters of Marx’ Gets Reviewed
Spoiler alert: Derrida was once arrested for drug possession.
Hurry Up and Enter This Hannah Arendt Contest
Win five grand from the Pacific Northwest College of Art.
Jodi Dean and Andrew Feenberg Debate the Interweb
Jodi Dean and Andrew Feenberg talk about the radical potential of that thing that lets us watch cat videos.
Slavoj Zizek: The Left Needs a Despot
Slavoj Zizek argues that the left needs its own Thatcher in his latest article for The News Statesman.
Speciesist Fiction and the Ethics of The Hobbit
The Brown Wizard’s Unexpected Politics: Speciesist Fiction and the Ethics of The Hobbit.