The results are as amazing as you’d expect.
New Issue of Theory and Event, Out Now
Theory and Event’s March issue features articles on Occupy and Deleuze, Ranciere, Greek austerity, and more.
Zizek is Getting His Own Opera(s)
The Royal Opera House has commissioned 4 operas on the work of Slavoj Zizek.
SpongeBob or Nietzche?
Can you spot a SpongeBob quote versus a Nietzsche quote?
That Band With All the LSD-Inspired Cover Art is Revolutionary, or Something
Psychedelic rockers Tool are becoming-minoritarian! Maybe.
A Competely Incorrect Guide to Pronouncing Philosophers
Wintugonasty or Wittgenstein?
Platypus Review’s New March Issue Features Interviews with Jodi Dean, Bruno Bosteels
The Platypus Society has released the March issue of The Platypus Review, a special issue on Communism. It is open-access and free to read.
Here’s 8 Minutes of Tim Wise Shitting on Affirmative Action Opponents
Anti-racist activist Tim Wise tears down the opposition to affirmative action in the best 8 minutes ever.
Alabama Goes Red: State Honors Angela Davis
It’s not every day that a state that is otherwise busy suing the federal government for its right to be racist honors a Communist icon.
Making A Monster of Critical Theory: Tobias Funke Schizoanalrapist Part 2
An awful adventure is becoming-meme.